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Become a Hero. Become a Foster.


After you complete our foster application, our Foster Coordinator will contact you within a few days to provide further details and to let you know when the next foster orientation will be. We look forward to having you on board! Please allow us 3-5 business days to reach out to you, we are all volunteer based and have full time jobs/businesses to run. Thank you for your support.


Note: We have been inundated with hundreds of foster applications ever since Palm Beach issued a safe at home order in March. It is truly wonderful that so many people want to help homeless animals! Right now, the biggest need is for foster parents who can bottle feed unweaned kittens under 4 weeks old, or take in special needs adults who need special medical attention or to be in a quiet environment with no other cats. For people interested in fostering weaned kittens or young adults, it may take some time before we can line up any prospects so you can become active.

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